Manage Mobile Communication Throughout Your Organization
Mobile devices streamline your company’s ability to function. You’ve relied on them to improve customer service, reduce costs, and increase organizational productivity. They make the supply chain move faster and offer countless conveniences.
But concerns like downtime, compliance, and security make strong mobility management a top priority. Complexity, risk, and IT headaches can also complicate mobile device usage. SOTI MobiControl enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution allows you to more easily benefit from mobile technology usage. Imprint Enterprises offers MobiControl EMM as a way to allow our customers to safely enjoy all that mobile technology offers.
What SOTI MobiControl Does for Your Business
You can now manage your company’s complete mobile strategy from one centralized location, with SOTI. MobiControl includes productivity tools and remote support features that reduce device downtime ensure that your workers continue working.
Below are some additional benefits that you can enjoy organization-wide:
- Reduces the amount of time-sensitive data and apps are distributed to remote mobile devices while improving the responsiveness of your business by 10x or more.
- Reduces a mobile device to a single app or suite of apps to ensure device security.
- Automatically configures devices to ensure secure communication from anywhere.
- Deploy policies, apps, and content based on precise visual boundaries.
- View the precise location of all online devices in a group, while offline devices give their last known location.
- Dictate permissions (read/write) to users.
Simplify Your Mobile Technology
With SOTI MobiControl, your organization can safely get more out of mobile device usage. The SOTI platform allows you to integrate this technology into your business in a way that eliminates downtime, builds apps faster, and manages all mobile and IoT devices from one centralized location.
Below are more benefits of MobiControl:
- Improve Customer Service Efforts – Timely information helps you to keep customers happy and returning. Real time data equates to accurate delivery times and allows for transparency throughout the organization. You can also more easily track shortages, overages, and damaged product.
- Real Time Asset Visibility – Organizations can access high-quality real time data at any point along the supply chain. This equates to lower costs and increased capabilities, as more people are able to safely utilize their mobile devices.
- Eliminate Downtime – Mobile users don’t always have the same access to troubleshooting when their device goes down, and this reality can slow productivity. MobiControl’s remote support features make it easier for IT staff to communicate with remote users so that they can fix the problem. IT issues can be fixed without having to ship the device.
- Maintain Compliance – Mobile technology along with embedded engine telemetry and electronic logging devices (ELDs) allow transportation companies the tools they need to maintain regulatory compliances. Temperature sensors allow companies to better track their “cold chain” compliance standards. SOTI can
Are You Ready for Better Control of Your Mobile Technology?
Mobile device usage doesn’t have to be an unorganized free-for-all. It doesn’t have to jeopardize your company’s security. SOTI MobiControl offers businesses the ability to benefit from their mobile technology in new and exciting ways. If you’re looking to discuss your individual situation, contact Imprint Enterprises today!