RFID and Your Company Needs: Zebra Technologies is the Industry Leader
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With today’s on-demand economy, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is an excellent option to keep up with speedy order fulfillment and fast deliveries. Who wouldn’t want to participate in ecommerce with sales forecasted to reach about $6.54 trillion in the coming years? RFID technology has been enhanced over the past several years to be easier to design, integrate, and deploy in most industries.
Barcode labeling is a visual system, requiring a line of sight with the barcode. This can become overly complicated and can slow down processes with less than accurate access to information. In several industries, there are strict regulation and tracking requirements. Not meeting the regulations can cause fines, chargebacks, and other issues for a company (not to mention how reputation can make or break a company). RFID is more accurate and instantaneous, providing greater efficiency at tracking through a wall or around a corner.