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Finding the right barcode labeling products as a medium-sized business to meet your constantly growing needs can sometimes feel like a minefield. Contracts can have several different demands and using old or outdated technology is a setback that can also cost a lot of money in chargebacks. You know what you need and want from your technology, but you may not know how to get it.

Wouldn’t it be easier to have your technology bring all the different demands of contracts as well as your wants and needs into a single, user-friendly interface? 

Business woman smiling at her desk

By upgrading your technology, department coordination and general management can be made simpler.

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Smarter Technology

UPC code

Having been inducted into the world of barcoding for a while now, you may already be familiar with 1D and 2D barcoding technology. Are 3D barcodes the next step for your company? 3D barcodes are primarily used as an added security measure during the manufacturing of some pharmaceutical, medical, and high-end jewelry products.

3D barcodes, also known as QR codes, are an upgraded version of 2D and are not a replacement. 3D barcodes look like 2D barcodes but differ in the fact that you can feel the bars and squares that are slightly protruding from the barcode. This form of barcode is typically engraved directly onto the surface of a product or onto a type of alloy that is then attached to the product.

Maybe it’s time to integrate a barcode labeling system with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. By providing a direct interface between the barcode labeling system and the ERP system, your operations can benefit with interconnection while maintaining the look and feel of your current systems and keep production flowing smoothly.

Barcodes are not the only items that have been quickly advancing with technology. Barcode printers can print better and faster than before, with varying sizes to match in-house printing demands. Barcode scanners range from ring-size to rechargeable handheld devices. Monitors can be fixed to vehicles or transferable and are stronger and faster.

Even software systems have seen major advances. Medium-sized businesses tend to have several contracts with different needs, requiring something to bring everything into a single interface, which is more common now. With all the options available now, it’s easy to see how a company can get lost in a sea of options to choose from.

Coordination Between Departments

Many medium-sized businesses have several departments that need to cohesively work together: IT, marketing, sales, warehousing, etc. When barcode systems are outdated, one department may not get pertinent information. Or the system could constantly bug out, creating chaos and disrupting fulfillment. This costs more money for a business than upgrading a system.

Business team working together

Some businesses also use consultants for contract fulfillment. This requires hiring someone to take your company into the future while managing complexity of communication inside and outside of your company. How many solutions driven companies can help you upgrade your systems with what you need to grow while managing several chains of communication?

Warehouse Management Upgrading

rugged handhelds

In an era of technology and increasing omnichannel shopping, creating a smarter warehouse for the future to keep up with demands and your growing needs is ever important. If you have a warehouse management system, look around your warehouse to see if labels are fading and wearing down. If you don’t have a system, how will you maintain growth?

Installing smart labels for easy scanning and enhancing the visibility of your signs will boost productivity and expedite order fulfillment. Barcode scanning will increase in use by as much as 67% for greater efficiency. Is your warehouse designed to keep up with that demand?

Smart Growth is Your Future 

Business man and woman talking

Approximately 90% of all businesses in the world are small and medium-sized businesses. SMBs employ 50-90% of the workforce (percentage varies by country) and are the driving force for global economic growth. You can see where you are now and where you want to go in the future. Why would you hire someone to help you grow that doesn’t understand where you are and where you’re going?

Imprint creates lifelong relationships and will help you every step of the way. Why would you hire someone that is one-and-done? Call the specialists that understand your needs even if you don’t. For medium-sized businesses, Imprint can assist in moving forward with technology that is designed to last, grow, and learn with you.

Optimize the expense of updating/upgrading your barcode systems and software in a way that will help your company see faster growth with larger profits. Hire a company that will understand multiple aspects of your business, from multiple internal points of contact to including external consultants.

Allow Imprint to become a part of your family, not just an addition to your function. Contact Imprint Enterprises today!

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