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Everyone says the Cannabis market is going to be huge – like $166 billion by 2025 according to Chicago-based Euromonitor International. 

Despite this new “gold rush,” there are still monumental challenges at the federal level to wrap any kind of legalities or standards around this booming market. It leaves this terrain for Cannabis business owners rocky and unpredictable, yet more and more new businesses crop up wanting to produce, distribute, and/or sell Cannabis products. There are several considerations for emerging Cannabis business owners, and one of these is finding a production management solution.  


Because of the vast number of industries that Cannabis may participate in, there’s no getting away from the fact that Cannabis will be a part of supply chains. As such, things such as chain of custody and traceability are going to be important factors in your systems and operations. That being known, these process points need to be addressed by the production management software solution you select.  

There are all kinds of options for supply chain management but when you want to narrow your focus to the Cannabis industry we recommend these two: Weedware and BarTender.

Weedware is the platform to use for a compliance software within the marijuana industry. BarTender is the world’s most trusted software solution for designing, printing, and managing labels, barcodes, RFID tags, documents and more. You can see how both would be critical solutions to your product management.


Whatever you choose, you want to ensure your systems integrate. This will allow for a more seamless operation and more company oversight. These are important. With no federal regulations and other standards on shaky ground, having a close eye on all your moving parts and pieces keeps you ready to act as those regulations shift or there becomes an issue with a product. 

So, audit the systems you already have in place, and then choose additional software that can integrate with them.

When looking at potential solutions, learn about what kind of systems they are and their integration capabilities. You can read more about Weedware’s platform here or BarTender’s here. And don’t be afraid to reach out to customer support and ask clarifying questions.  


Easier said than done, we know. The legal status of Cannabis in the U.S. remains complicated. Some states have legalized it for medical, others for recreational, but no federal standards exist across the board. There are mounting uncertainties about how to regulate. Keeping up with compliance standards is almost like trying to catch air. The target is always moving. 

The best thing to do is maintain your awareness of your state’s laws. The state level is where the development of these thing is taking place.

Know your state’s standards and this will help you stay within the bounds of law and compliance while the federal level continues to sort itself out. And remember, you improve your chances of staying compliant when you have a solid, trustworthy software solution and product management system in place helping you managing all the pieces. 

Don’t wait for your business or the market to BOOM before you start putting into place your production management system. 

Get going now while everything is still manageable and malleable. Look inside the industry at those already established and find out what they’re using for their software solutions and production management systems. And don’t turn a blind eye on those companies with a growing awareness of the Cannabis industry and tested and reliable solutions. Consider Weedware and BarTender® and then contact us for a demo.