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Chain of custody is that critical course that a product takes from production to the end customer.  

Track and trace, the integrity of data and that data’s security, are vital elements of this process. A process riddled with industry regulations and requirements that companies cannot afford to ignore or not meet. Especially when a product recall happens.

How do you manage these pieces of your chain of custody?

You find a solution that offers systemization and security around track and trace, taking these processes out of human hands. A solution like BarTender®, a barcode and label software. BarTender® is a vital element of the logistics, compliance, and traceability labeling approaches of the world’s supply chains. You’ll be relieved you have Bartender in place when those worse-case scenarios happen.  


Nearly any product can be recalled, regardless of industry. At the beginning of the year, there were thousands of bags of Romaine lettuce called in for questioning. But we’ve also heard about baby formula, snack foods (like kids’-favorite Goldfish), car parts and car seats, and a number of other ‘goods’ that have been recalled for any number of reasons. If, and when, a recall happens, its important to isolate it and minimize the damage. Enter onto the scene, traceability. 


Traceability means following a product back through the chain, including going so far back as the original source. Every touchpoint along the chain of custody becomes critical in identifying the source of the problem and then containing it. Every hand, place, or system that the recalled product touched is now of concern. This is a lot of data across a lot of systems – but it is vital to minimizing the damage. Bartender is an amazing tool to assist in tracking and tracing your products and its equipped to work for a variety of industries.


The data that is collected about each good or product that goes through the supply chain must be accurate and original, with no adjustments. The integrity of the data becomes vital as it pertains to the track and trace now in play because of a product recall. In using Bartender, there are security features that assist in preserving the integrity of the data by limiting people from making changes to it. Bartender also holds a log of anyone in contact with the product or good. Since human interaction and therefore human error could be a participating factor of a product recall, it becomes critical that information regarding the human assets involved in the chain of custody also be captured. 

Bartender can more easily manage your track and trace process and security measures thereby improving your chain of custody as a result. 

Don’t let this critical part of your supply chain go unmanaged. Put your trust in this secure software solution that will tell you all the source data for the product being recalled as well as all who interacted with it along its course – from end consumer all the way back to production.  

Schedule a demo of this product by getting in touch with us today. We’ll trace your steps to a successful chain of custody practice.