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If you were to ask the manager of a warehouse or distribution center what their biggest goal for the year is, nine times out of ten, they would say something along the lines of increasing productivity. This makes sense. Everyone wants their operation to be more profitable. This is easier said than done, however. Workers can be trained to work more efficiently, but they are only as efficient as the technology they use allows them to be. If your workers aren’t the issue causing slow productivity, then it may be time to look at the devices you are using.

Traditional gun-style scanners have been great in the past, but with rising demands for output, it may be time to switch to a ring scanner attached to rugged mobile Android devices like the CT40 or CT60, worn in an elastic arm band.

Decrease On-the-Job Injuries

While comfort may be viewed as an added luxury and not a necessity, lightweight and ergonomically-designed devices actually do more than just improve worker comfort, they improve productivity.

Many on-the-job injuries occur from stress on joints and ligaments from overuse. Repetitive motion is hazardous with heavy devices. Imagine drawing a gun-style scanner, scanning a barcode, and holstering the scanner over and over. The repetitive motion of this act can cause injury over time.

The same act, done with hands-free wearable solutions like ring scanners paired with Android devices like the CT40 or CT60 worn in an arm band eliminates the repetitive motion and reduces physical stress on the body.  Workers can carry out their jobs quickly without having to worry about injury, and productivity won’t be slowed by workers recovering from existing joint stress.

Eliminate Improper Picking and Handling

On-the-job injuries don’t just occur from overuse, however. Some are accidents caused by workers taking risks to try to accomplish tasks quickly, like carrying heavy items with one hand while scanning with the other. Some heavier items require both hands in order to be safely handled, but workers looking to save time may not want to pause and set the scanner down. Hands-free wearable solutions allow workers to move just as quickly, while freeing up both hands to carry objects safely. This reduces the risk of worker injury, while also ensuring your assets won’t be damaged from improper handling.

Increase Picking Speed

Android devices are known for improving efficiency, but wearable solutions take this a step further by cutting out extra steps and movements. Because of this, picking speed is increased, and time is no longer wasted. Taking a scanner out and putting it back in the holster only takes a few seconds, but when you consider how many times this act is carried out, the time really adds up.

Future-Proof Operations for a Decade

Some of the biggest complaints warehouse and distribution center operators have when it comes to the technology they use is that its relatively short lifecycle provides a smaller return. Luckily, Android has helped to solve this problem by offering the Mobility Edge platform on Android devices like the CT40 and CT60, which allows owners to protect their operations against obsolescence. Purchase it today, and you can future-proof your operation for a decade.

Interested in learning more? Download our latest resource: Prepare for the Future: Pair Mobility Edge with Wearable Solutions.

Honeywell: Wearables + Mobility Edge Platform Devices